Art Paintings, Art, Jérôme Signori

Art paintings

I play with what surrounds me, by building cities where logic has lost its rights and meaning. Cities that no longer have bases, streets or foundations. It's a bit like endless space. Flying house is an old childhood dream.

Paintings for sale

All the paintings below are available for sale, although many have already been sold. If you’re interested in any of them, you can contact Jérôme directly or visit his Art Gallery at Rödabergsbrinken 4 in Stockholm.

Jérôme is continually creating new art, so it’s worth visiting the gallery to experience his latest creations in person if you’re able to.

Simply viewing the artworks on screen doesn’t fully showcase his artistic talent. Therefore, visiting the gallery ensures you don’t miss out on an amazing experience.

"Hotel Sanctuaire", Jérôme Signori

Architecture and perspective

The world I paint is a very distant one, with its architectural challenges, weightlessness and surrealism. I ignore technical constraints and take advantage of them to let my creativity explode.

I often compare it to certain Eastern European countries, everything is so different and yet so recognisable.

I play with what surrounds me by building cities where logic has lost its rights,it´s meaning.Cities that no longer have bases, streets or foundations.

It’s a bit like endless space. Flying house is an old childhood dream. A dream that transforms into reality through a stroke of a brush.


"Nail house 6" Serie, Jérôme Signori


The feeling of loneliness in my art must be the result of a personal and unconscious loneliness due, among other things, to my exile in this new country of Sweden.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing, it allows you to do absolutely what you want.

This solitude has resulted in a lone figure in each of my paintings. People say it’s me, maybe. Sometimes he smokes, so it’s not always me.


Small paintings

Humour and illusion series, 20cm*20cm

Perspective is only a working tool, but it reassures the viewer’s eye while taking them into a world they don’t know. It takes them on a journey that is completely unfamiliar. The viewer is left with the sense of wonder without being affected by the destabilisation.

In this day and age, we use it everywhere, without even realising that it wasn’t that long ago that human beings understood its magical power.


Signori studios, Stockholm

With a father who was an artist as well, I found myself immersed in an artistic environment all my life. I encountered art every day, but above all, my father had taught me to refine my perception on things and to see them in another way. He taught me to go beyond reality and understand the importance of creation.

Listening to the conversations between my father and his artist friends, the confirmation of an unsuspected world opened up before me. The artist had the power and permission to paint whatever he wanted.

As a child this was a revelation for me, it was like having a magic wand. So, very quickly, after drawing the reality around me, I dared to paint my dreams and submerge myself in these fantasic worlds. Even if people´s gaze at my paintings initially seemed like an intrusion into my private life, I enjoyed a feeling of sharing.

This is the paradox of the artist who, in principle, creates only for himself.


Black and white paintings and sketches

”L’homme volant”, Jérôme Signori

A detailed image

When we tell a story, we want people to have as many clues as possible to help them get as close as possible to the adventure we’re telling. It also gives them cues they can recognise, while taking them on a journey.
